
The command pattern

The command pattern is a behavioral pattern and it encapsulates an object allowing undoable or delayed actions.
The structure is such that there is always, a Command, Receiver, Client and Invoker, as in the diagram:
Command Pattern Structure

It's quite a useful pattern with the undoable or delayed action probably being it's strong point. So to illustrate the pattern I've created a abstraction:
interface ICommand {
    void Execute();
I then added a receiver class which controls documents. It essentially holds a list of documents, with the operations to add a document and get the currently active document.
public class Application {
    List documents;

    public Application() {
        documents = new List();
    internal void Add(Document document) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Adding document with name {document.GetName()} to Application.");
    internal Document GetActiveDocument() {
        return documents[documents.Count-1];
I also created another receiver, which is:
class Document {
    private string name;

    private Document(string name) { = name;
    public string GetName() {
    public static Document GetNewDocument(string newDocumentName) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Creating and returning document named {newDocumentName}.");

        return new Document(newDocumentName);
    internal void Paste() {
        Console.WriteLine($"Pasting document named {name}.");
Now, to add documents to the Application we have an invoker, like a menu item or something similar, this invokes a command so I've created the command:
class OpenCommand : ICommand {
    private Application application;
    private string newDocumentName;

    public OpenCommand(Application application) {
        this.application = application;
    public void Execute() {
    private void promptForNewDocumentName() {
        Console.Write("Document name?> ");
        newDocumentName = Console.ReadLine();
This takes an Application in it's constructor and in it's Execute method prompts for a new document name and adds the document to the application instance.

I created another command object using the same command abstraction, which is:
class PasteCommand : ICommand {
    private Document document;

    public PasteCommand(Document document) {
        this.document = document;
    public void Execute() {
I then created a test invoker:
static void Main(string[] args) {
    Application application = new Application();
    ICommand openCommand = new OpenCommand(application);
    ICommand pasteCommand;

    pasteCommand = new PasteCommand(application.GetActiveDocument());

Which gave the output:
Document name?> abc
Creating and returning document named abc.
Adding document with name abc to Application.
Pasting document named abc.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'WOW! Is that it!', but the command pattern offers a little more, to show this I created another command:
class SendCommand : ICommand {
    private Application application;

    public SendCommand(Application application) {
        this.application = application;
    public void Execute() {
        // breaking the 'Law of Demeter!'
        string documentName = application.GetActiveDocument().GetName();

        Console.WriteLine($"Sending {documentName}");
And then another command(!), but this one is a little different, it's a composite command:
class MacroCommand : ICommand {
    List commands;

    public MacroCommand() {
        commands = new List();
    public void Add(ICommand command) {
    public void Remove(ICommand command) {
    public void Execute() {
        foreach (ICommand command in commands) {
The MacroCommand class allows for commands to be added and removed and calls multiple commands on the Execute method call. Also it's quite trivial to add undoable actions, but not in this case, as well... tell me why?
Anyrate here's an invoker (as a simple console application):
static void Main(string[] args) {
    Application application = new Application();

    // will remember the sequence, could also reverse
    MacroCommand macroCommand = new MacroCommand();

    // open three documents and send them, later in macroCommand.Execute();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        macroCommand.Add(new OpenCommand(application));
        macroCommand.Add(new SendCommand(application));

    Console.WriteLine("\r\nCalling macroCommand.Execute()");

Giving the output:
Calling macroCommand.Execute()
Document name?> document1
Creating and returning document named document1.
Adding document with name document1 to Application.
Sending document1
Document name?> document2
Creating and returning document named document2.
Adding document with name document2 to Application.
Sending document2
Document name?> document3
Creating and returning document named document3.
Adding document with name document3 to Application.
Sending document3



There we have the command pattern and it's a great pattern for when we need to delay or have undoable actions, for an invoker within a client - what does this mean?
Well the command is obvious but which is the client, which is the invoker and which is the receiver? If we look at my example, compared to the structure diagram then the receiver.action is called from the command so Application is the Receiver and this is created by the console application so this is the client and invoker as it calls the command.execute method.
When we use the PasteCommand the receiver transfers to the Document class, again leaving the client and invoker to be the console application.
The MacroCommand, which is very similar to the composite pattern, has no receiver and is both a command and invoker.

Command Pattern Structure


Design Patterns [GOF]
tutorialspoint command
dofactory command
Law of Demeter