
The strategy pattern

The strategy pattern is a behavioral pattern and is a very simple pattern. Essentially, we choose an object based on some strategy.
Without further ado lets start with an example of the strategy abstraction:
abstract class GamePlan {
    public virtual void Scheme() {
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is scheming.", this.GetType().Name);
We then have a class that has to use our strategy:
class Scenario {
    private GamePlan gamePlan;
    private Scenario(GamePlan gamePlan) {
        this.gamePlan = gamePlan;
    public static Scenario CreateScenarioWithGamePlan(GamePlan gamePlan) {
        return new Scenario(gamePlan);
    public void Maneuver() {
Pretty basic stuff, we can inject out strategy at runtime.
I've constructed a few simple classes that would enact a specific strategy:
class SimpleTactics : GamePlan {

class FancyTactics : GamePlan {

class ComplexTactics : GamePlan {
    public override void Scheme() {
        Console.WriteLine("Adding more for ComplexTactics...");
Then a very simple test program, now I've not introduced any criteria for our strategy changes but imagine some illustrious decision making engine:
static void Main(string[] args) {
    GamePlan simpleTactics = new SimpleTactics();
    GamePlan fancyTactics = new FancyTactics();
    GamePlan complexTactics = new ComplexTactics();

    Scenario scenario = Scenario.CreateScenarioWithGamePlan(simpleTactics);

    scenario = Scenario.CreateScenarioWithGamePlan(fancyTactics);

    scenario = Scenario.CreateScenarioWithGamePlan(complexTactics);

And then the output is predictably:
SimpleTactics is scheming.
FancyTactics is scheming.
ComplexTactics is scheming.
Adding more for ComplexTactics...


That's the strategy pattern, I think it's one of the simpler patterns and is used ubiquitously, but the developer that used the pattern may not have known that it was used.


Design Patterns [GOF]
Adaptive Code Pg 133
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